Termini e Condizioni

Art. 1
The purpose of Helps For You and its portal

1.1. Helps For You (hereinafter "The portal ") is a commercial site owned by ùFerro Michele P.Iva 03041880307 identification number.
1.2. The goal of the portal is to support charity in all European countries through projects organized by non-profit associations duly registered in the various European courts.
1.3. Helps For You governs the use of the portal and the relationship with donors, recipients and organizers of collections based on these rules and conditions (hereinafter referred to as Regulations).
1.4. The portal focuses on the following categories of charities:
• support for women and men - assistance to shelters, crisis centers for abused women and women in need, medical and health facilities providing assistance to abused women and women in need
• health promotion - educational projects for the development of health information, purchase of medicines for vulnerable groups of people, support of funds for research and development of new treatments and drugs, purchase of equipment for hospital and clinical technologies < br> • support for education - purchase of equipment for schools and educational facilities
• support for public institutions - financing of awareness campaigns on safety, health and humanity, especially in schools and public spaces
• support for art and culture - assistance in the reconstruction of historic buildings and their management, support for beginner artists
• support a the elderly - assistance to retirement homes and hospitals for the elderly, in particular their equipment and staff
• nature protection - planting and maintenance of greenery, land reclamation, cleaning of waterways and areas, assistance to animal shelters and zoos
• support for children and young people - help for children's homes and similar facilities for abandoned and endangered children
• humanitarian aid - assistance to deal with the consequences of sudden natural disasters, in particularly floods or earthquakes
1.5. The purpose of the portal management is to collect individual contributions from an unspecified circle of contributors to specific charitable projects.
1.6. The portal does not organize collections, nor does it allow the use of the portal by other organizations for the organization of collections with the purpose of supporting political parties or movements, or for ecclesiastical and religious purposes.

Art. 2
Donor contributions

2.1. The donor can contribute financially to the individual projects published on the portal as follows:
• PayPal payment system www.paypal.com
• Stripe payment system www.stripe.com
• Bank transfer to Poste Italiane account
Details on the methods are provided below of payment and how donors are processed. By using the appropriate payment method, you agree to the commercial conditions of your supplier.
2.2. Contributions can only be made in EUR, due to the international currency focus. The minimum amount of a donor contribution for a project is € 10.00. Contributions are not subject to VAT. The minimum amount of a donor contribution for the platform is € 1.00. The donation of € 1.00 to the platform will not be displayed as a donation but will be added to the total amount collected
2.2.1 The maximum amount of a single donation is € 500
2.3. Within each contribution, contributors also have the opportunity to make a contribution to Helps For You's activities, in particular its remuneration and other operating costs and the improvement of the functioning of the portal.
2.4. The transaction fees are calculated from the total amount of the contribution as follows:
• PayPal 3.4% + € 0.35 and are paid by the portal https://www.paypal.com/it/webapps/mpp/merchant-fees
• Stripe 1.5% + € 0.25 + IVA and are paid by the portal https://stripe.com/it/pricing
• Bank transfer, depends on the bank's directives
2.5. Once an e-mail confirming your contribution has been sent, it is not possible to return the contribution.
2.6. By contributing to a project organized by a third party that uses the portal to collect the requested amount, we deduct a fixed brokerage fee of 10% from your contribution.
2.7. Individual projects have a fixed amount for which they seek. In the event that the donor's contribution exceeds the amount missing from the target amount of the project, the excess payment will be withheld by the portal for management, marketing or devolved expenses to other projects. For example: if € 20 is missing from the total value of the project and € 30 is paid, the payment in excess of € 10 will be transferred to the portal.
2.8. The Donor agrees that in the specific cases provided for by these Regulations, he gives the right to transfer his contribution to the portal. These are mainly cases in which the target amount will not be reached within the established time, or there will be a behavior of the organizer of the collection in violation of these Regulations.
2.9 Donations made by bank transfer must always be made by the portal through a precise transaction code, so that the platform regulates the progress of the project, the transfers arrived differently will always be used by the platform for management costs but will not be displayed on the site.

Art. 3
Donor registration

3.1. The donor will be able to register on the portal, thus obtaining his own profile with a "contribution history "
3.2. By registering, the donor accepts these rules. If the donor does not want to be registered, he must accept these Regulations before making the contribution.
3.3. The donor has the option of being placed in the portal in the donor list by full name and amount donated, or if he wishes to be included in the donor list as anonymous donors only with a specific amount.
3.4. When entering the name to be displayed, the donor must enter a true name, otherwise it will be hidden as anonymous.
3.5. By registering, the donor will have the opportunity to obtain a declaration of the donation made.
3.6. The declaration of the donation made can only be obtained once it has been made by a registered user

Art. 4
Registration of the organizer of the collection

4.1. The portal carefully selects the individual charity projects, which it then presents on its portal in order to collect the requested amount (target). The goal is to raise a certain predefined amount of money equal to the value needed for a particular project. After the end of the collection, the selected amount will be transferred to the organizer of the collection after deducting the brokerage fee.
4.2. To use the services of our portal, prior registration is required. After registration, our portal can be used by any legal entity wishing to offer support to potential donors for their project (hereinafter referred to as the organizer of the collection).
4.3. To register successfully, you must meet the following conditions as a collection organizer:
• have one of the following legal forms: association, institute, public charity, foundation, endowment fund, contributory organization, or registered ecclesiastical legal entity providing social health, educational or cultural services, or any other similar legal form recognized in the EU Member State as a legal person a non-profit person;
• be politically impartial and independent;
• be established in a Member State of the EU;
• send us a certified copy of the state registration certificate, certifying the non-profit nature of the organization (if allowed by the law of the state where you reside; if this is not possible, send a declaration solemnity of this fact);
• send us a certified copy of the constitutive document (eg Statute, statutes), which contains provisions in the matter of cancellation with an indication of who and how the property will be distributed in the event of liquidation by the organizer of the collection. If it does not contain this provision, since the law applicable to the organizer of the collection does not specifically regulate the question of the cancellation and division of assets, it is necessary to send us the specifications of this law;
• present us your activities, with the choice of: a) send us the address of your website, if these contain a sufficient description of your activities, including sufficient information on successfully completed projects, or b) send us material containing information according to point a).
• send us the details of the bank account to which the selected funds will be sent after the end of the project;
• undertake to comply with these Regulations;
All documents (or websites) above must be in Italian and, if in a other language, must be accompanied by an Italian translation. It is also possible to send us automatic translations on the Internet (eg Google translator, etc.); however, in the event that this translation is not of acceptable quality, the portal reserves the right to do so the right to request an official translation.
4.4. The organizer of the collection will be able to connect to the portal a section for the organizers of the collection, after completing the registration form. Subsequently, the portal verifies that the registration form has been filled in correctly. If the portal identifies any deficiencies, it requests the completion or delivery of documents and gives the organizer of the collection a reasonable period of time.
4.5. Upon receipt of all documents or at the expiry of the deadline for their delivery, the portal decides whether or not to register the organizer of the collection. The portal will inform the organizer of the collection of this decision by e-mail sent to the address specified in the registration application.
4.6. Portal decision is final and must not contain justifications.
4.7. In the event that at any time after registration the data listed in the account of the organizer of the collection changes, he must update it so that all data in his account is always up-to-date. The collection operator is solely responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.
4.8 The validity of the granted registration is 2 years. After this period, a new registration application must be sent.

Art. 5
Presentation of the project and obligations of the organizer of the collection

5.1. The organizer of the collection who has obtained the registration can enter a specific project proposal. The project proposal includes (min 500,00€):
• a description of the project, i.e. what the selected funds should be used for;
• the target amount to be raised;
• how soon, after receipt of the funds, the project is completed and the report will be posted on the portal.
5.2. The organizer of the collection is responsible for ensuring that the project and all related information:
• comply with the laws of Italy and the state in which the project is to be implemented, with public order, as well as with ethical standards and moral;
• are complete, true and not misleading;
• not contain advertising information on the products and services of the organizer of the collection or third parties;
• not damage the name of Helps For You or other natural or legal persons.
5.3. After receiving the project proposal, the portal assesses compliance with the conditions set out in point 5.2. Rules. If the project does not satisfy them, it will be rejected. In this case, the Beneficiary has the possibility to resubmit the project for review in a version that satisfies the conditions set out in point 5.2. Rules.
5.4. If the project already approved and published violates the conditions referred to in point 5.2. After its publication on the portal, the portal has the right to stop the collection and the funds raised up to that moment, even if related to other or other projects of the organizer of the collection published on our portal, to block and redirect to other projects on the portal that are not related to the specified collection organizer.
5.5. It is not possible to carry out multiple collections destined for the same project on the portal at the same time, advertised by one or more collection organizers.
5.6. The organizer of the collection undertakes to adhere to the principle of exclusivity of the collection, i.e. the project published on our portal cannot be published on other websites or published in any other way for the purpose of multiplying the funds. In case of violation of this obligation, Helps For You reserves the right to block access to the portal by the organizer of the collection, to hide their profile and any funds obtained so far, even if related to other projects. organizer of the collection, to block and redirect to other projects on the portal unrelated to the organizer of the collection.
5.7. The organizer of the collection also undertakes to ensure that within tot. days after the funds have been received to publish the report of the completed project, inform the portal that the project is being implemented and completed; in case of lack of information, he undertakes to send the information an e-mail with an apology and a justification for the delay. If not duly justified, the portal is authorized to report suspected fraud to the competent authorities and block the access of the organizer of the collection to the portal, hide his profile and block and direct any funds obtained from projects of other collection organizers to others projects on the portal for the same charity area unrelated to the organizer of the collection.
5.8. In the event that, after registration by the organizer of the collection, doubts arise regarding the veracity of the data provided or their compliance with the rules referred to in point 5.2. The rules are entitled to request further information and, in the event that it does not receive a response or receives an unsatisfactory response, to take action in accordance with point 5.7. Rules.

Art. 6
Completion of the project, drawing on the funds raised

6.1. The project ends with the accumulation of the requested amount or with the cancellation of the decision of the portal or the organizer of the collection in the cases specified in these Regulations.
6.2. The portal will guide the funding of selected donors for each project. Separate accounting records. Helps For You has a separate bank account with an Italian-based banking institution
6.3. Funds selected for a specific project will be transferred to the recipient or the organizer of the collection only after reaching 110% of the predetermined target amount, within 72 hours of its achievement. The timing of arrival on the beneficiary's account depends on the bank management
6.4. The net proceeds of the collection will be transferred to the beneficiary or the organizer of the collection on his bank account. In the case of projects organized by the portal, the net proceeds from the collection are the amount collected after deducting the costs associated with keeping the collection. In the case of organization of the project by another party, the net proceeds represent the amount collected net of the reward of 10% of the amount collected.
6.5. In the event that the association requests the closure of the project and the transfer of accumulated funds, it will have to pay the portal 10% of the total amount requested on the project, unless the project has not yet registered any amount.

Art. 7

7.1. A 10% commission will be deducted from the contributions collected for the provision of the portal for the creation of a third party collection pursuant to Article 5 of the Regulations. This fee is solely to cover our costs and the further development of the portal's charitable activities, the development of the portal and the cost of the necessary work. In case we do not use some commission funds for our purposes, we will refer them to other projects on our portal.
7.2. In the case of a project organized directly from the portal, only the necessary expenses incurred for the organization of collection, in particular bank charges, up to a maximum of 10% of the amount collected, will be deducted from the collected contributions.

Art. 8
Conditions for the termination of the collaboration, cancellation of the project

8.1. Termination of collaboration with the portal according to these Regulations, the organizer of the collection can make a written communication sent to the address of info@helpsforyou.net or sent electronically via this link.
8.2. The collection organizer profile will be removed from the portal within 7 days of receipt of a written communication or email, or by another agreed date.
8.3. The collaboration can also be terminated by Helps For You in the event that the organizer of the collection does not comply with these Regulations or the provisions of the law. Helps For You can also decide to terminate a single project if it is evident, in consideration of the time of publication on the portal, that the target amount will not be reached; in this case, the funds selected so far will be treated in accordance with point 8.6. Rules.
8.4. The funds raised for the projects of the organizer of the collection with which the contract is to be terminated will be transferred to other projects, in accordance with point 8.6. Rules.
8.5. The organizer of the collection can cancel a project published on the portal if he believes that he is unable to carry out the project. The reason for the cancellation must be communicated by the organizer of the withdrawal to the portal
8.6. Canceling a project means the loss of funds that have already been selected for this project. These funds will be distributed by the portal at its discretion among other existing projects on the portal in the same charity field.
8.7. Taxpayers registered in a canceled project will be notified by email of the reason for the cancellation and how the funds raised will be used for other projects.

Art. 9

9.1. The portal carefully selects its collaborators and individual projects, however it is not responsible for:
a) the content of the published projects in terms of description and linguistic accuracy;
b) any damage suffered by the user or third parties during the use of the portal, or from its temporary malfunction, including lost profits or data leakage.
9.2. does not guarantee the organizer of the collection that he will find a donor for him and does not guarantee the achievement of the predetermined amount.
9.3. does not provide accounting, tax or financial advice and no information provided on our portal may be used for accounting, tax or financial purposes arising from the creation and use of our services.

Art. 10
Reporting of errors and other messages

10.1. The ticket communication system on the portal is used for communication between the organizer of the collection, the donor and the portal.
10.2. The organizer of the collection and the donor can report an error caused by the site in the form of a ticket (portal communication system). Helps For You undertakes to respond within 5 working days of reporting the error.
10.3. An error by a user is not considered a case of unavailability of the portal due to force majeure or events beyond the control of the portal (eg technical problems with the Internet connection).

Art. 11

11.1. All materials published on the portal (including articles, photographs, images, illustrations, audio, video clips, etc.) are individually protected by copyright owned by Helps For You, which reserves the right to publish and distribute them for advertising purposes and for a greater collection efficiency. The right to disseminate information on the projects in the form of leaflets is also maintained.
11.2. The selection, coordination, sorting and evaluation of the entire content of the portal as a collective work can also be protected by copyright.
11.3. You must comply with all copyright notices and other restrictions contained in any material available on the Portal. Nothing may be copied, reproduced, downloaded, uploaded, published, forwarded or distributed in any way from the portal, except that it is possible to download a copy of the materials or print them on any computer (or other electronic device) for personal and non-commercial use by the portal and use a hard copy of the materials for personal and non-commercial purposes, provided that no copyright or other proprietary rights are infringed.
11.4. By downloading or printing copyrighted material, you do not acquire any ownership rights in it. Modification of such materials or use of such materials for purposes other than personal and non-commercial constitutes a violation of the copyright of their respective owners or other proprietary rights. The use of such materials on any other website or online computing environment is prohibited. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names may be owned by us or by specific trademark owners. The individual elements of the portal may be protected by commercial or other laws and may not be copied or imitated, even in part.

Art. 12
The changes

12.1. Helps For You reserves the right to modify these Regulations and to inform about the changes made by publishing it on the portal, including the date from which the changes will take effect. Similar announcements will be emailed to both collection organizers and donors, and will also be posted on an internal "bulletin board " that appears when you log into your account.
12.2. In the event that the organizer of the collection does not agree with the modification of the Regulations. In this case, the organizer can collaborate with the fine portal. Funds selected so far for all of the organizer's ongoing projects will be transferred to other projects in the same charity area.
12.3. Except in the cases referred to in point 12.2. Rules, is to continue to use the portal even after the portal publishes the changes made to the Regulations, understood as consent to the Regulations just modified. We may modify, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the Portal, including the availability of any functionality or content. We may also decide to limit some features and services or to limit access to all or part of the Portal without notice and without liability.

Art. 13 - Different

13.1. Wherever "eg. ", "We ", "we / we " and "our " are mentioned in the text, we mean the portal, including all members of the committee as a statutory body, employees or others representatives. Wherever we refer to you and yours, we mean you as a user, whether you are a collection organizer or a donor.
13.2. Details of other public collection rules, not directly contained in these Rules and Conditions, are provided on our portal.
13.3. Details on the protection and processing of personal data are available here.
13.4. These Rules constitute the entire agreement between you and Helps For You. Consent to these Rules must be granted on the portal as part of the registration process. If you do not accept these Rules, you will not be granted permission to access the portal.
13.5. In the event of a dispute, it will be resolved with an attempt at conciliation. In the event of bankruptcy, the case will be resolved before the general court according to the local jurisdiction of the Udine office. Consumers also have the right to contact the regional office of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region; the local jurisdiction of the court in a consumer dispute will be determined according to the Code of Civil Procedure.

Arte. 14
Box project

14.1. To receive a free Helpsforyou-box and join the fundraising project, the donation is € 50 and must be made in the appropriate pages and links of the platform.
14.2. The portal will undertake, within the terms available, to send a Helpsforyou-box to the address filled in in the appropriate space on the website, or alternatively to the donor's payment address.
14.3. The Helpsforyou-box must be used exclusively for fundraising for projects on the helpsforyou.net platform which will be freely chosen by the manager of the same.
14.4. The minimum donation of the funds raised in the helpsfoyou-box must respect the minimum donation indicated in point 2.2.
14.5. The portal assumes no responsibility for the inadequate use of the helpsforyou-box.