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Raised:€ 500,00
Goal:€ 500,00
Raised:€ 0,00
Goal:€ 2.000,00
Giuliano Parpinel, 45 anni, è la prima persona di cui vorrei parlarvi direttamente, perchè le sue parole:"...ho
Raised:€ 68,00
Goal:€ 5.550,00
The Italian Federation of Aquatic Salvamento is non -profitless purpose, present throughout the
Raised:€ 110,50
Goal:€ 4.230,00
The dog and rubble dog unit from research and rescue, one of the sectors of the Italian Acquatic Salvamento
Goal:€ 1.000,00
We promote a fundraiser for Parkinson's sick people, contributing to the concessions for physiotherapy, speech
Raised:€ 379,00
We would like to equip the small system of the six boxes currently occupied by the cats with a small system of
Goal:€ 5.000,00
day 27 May, from 20:00 to 22:00, in Rome, in Parco Schuster, in front of the Basilica of San Paolo outside the
The AMIS Dall'Odv Association of Gonars, promotes a fundraiser in collaboration with Sister Rosetta Benedetti, of
Raised:€ 267,90
Massimo Sibilio, at thirty -six years of age he received diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis was dismissed by
Vesuvius Film Festival 2022 III edition - Competition of social short films and the arts organized by the Artegging
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