

Frequently asked question

Donare per ricevere

HelpsForYou gives the possibility to non-profit associations to open fundraisers for charitable causes. It collects the donations made by you for the single project and, having reached 100% of the previously established sum, sends a bank transfer to the association who created the project.
Of course we do. We understand your desire for discretion and privacy and we take it very seriously. During the checkout process, you will be able to choose to donate anonymously. Helps For You still need it. of your name, billing address and email for tax purposes, but we will not share any of this information with the charitable fundraising association you donated to. You will receive a thank you email and, if so, wishes, updates on the progress of the project; the association to which your gift arrives, however, will not be aware of your name or other personal information.
Yes, due to the high management costs for the single payment, the minimum amount that can be donated is € 10.00.
HelpsForYou has chosen to discourage the donation of material goods; however, in a policy of total openness to the outside world, you can send us a message) ( contact ) to explain your idea that will certainly be taken into consideration.

Raccogliere fondi

HelpsForYou does not raise funds for private individuals, but we invite you to contact the non-profit association closest to you to register and upload a fundraising project. We are here to help you too!
If you have landed on this page, you probably have a non-profit association for which you want to raise funds. Here are some questions you might ask yourself to get started.

We accept non-profit organizations registered throughout the European territory.

Non-profit organizations must be able to demonstrate previously concluded projects, to collect donations

organizations must be able to pass our preliminary veracity check; of the information sent

What kind of documentation do I need to submit for registration?

You will be prompted to upload materials showing the activities; and the results of your nonprofit. We would like to see what you are doing, how you are doing it and who you are helping. Examples of good program materials include: annual reports, brochures, newsletters, or news about your organization, but we explain that in detail below.

1. Government Registration Certificate : This document should be issued by a government office. & Egrave; the document showing that your organization is; registered as a charitable organization in your country.

2. Foundation document (with dissolution clause): deed of incorporation . This document must be stamped by a government agency or signed by board members so that we can confirm that it is been adopted by your organization. The founding document should also contain a dissolution clause explaining the divestiture of the assets; of your organization in case of dissolution. Alternatively, the dissolution of your organization can be described by national law; if this is; the case, will come to you; asked to indicate the law that provides for the transfer of assets in the event of dissolution.

3. Payment information : it will come to you; asked to enter the details of a bank account that can receive funds for your organization.

4.Data legal representative or president of the association, with the various documentations Payment information will come to you; asked to enter details of a bank account that can receive funds for your organization.

5. If your documents are not in Italian, you will be asked to provide translations into Italian.

We suggest you compress the file to make it lighter. There are many online tools for doing this.
As part of our ethical policy, aimed at beneficial and transparent actions for those who give and who receive each other, HelpsForYou only accepts registered non-profit organizations. If you don't have one, we recommend that you look for a trusted non-profit association that can represent you.
As part of our ethical policy, aimed at beneficial and transparent actions for those who give and who receive each other, HelpsForYou only accepts registered non-profit organizations. If you don't have one, we recommend that you look for a trusted non-profit association that can represent you.
Your due diligence is valid for two years from the date of approval of the application. All registered organizations must, in order to continue raising funds, submit an application for renewal two years after the date of their first approval. We know it will seem like a long way off, but we'll remind you, via Project Entry and email sixty days before the renewal deadline, so you have plenty of time.
It is not necessary, the HelpsForYou online application allows you to start entering the question, save and continue at a later time. Just remember to always click on Save before leaving the single session.
For questions about the application process you can send an e-mail via the section ( contacts ) or via the available ticket area after the first registration step.


We want to be flexible. We currently accept: bank transfer, credit / debit cards, PayPal.

We have built a strong security system around HelpsForYou, to protect you, your donations and projects from fraudulent transactions. Here are some reasons why we probably weren't able to process your donation:

• The billing address entered does not match the one on your card
• The expiration date entered is; past or does not correspond to what was recorded by the bank
• Your bank refused the charge

Unfortunately, once it is declined, we are unable to attempt a transaction again. We invite you to resend your donation, carefully double-checking your details: post code, billing address, credit card details. If you continue to have problems, please let us know ( contact ) and we will be happy to help!

Privacy e sicurezza

When you contribute to a project on HelpsForYou your name, billing address, email address and credit card information are collected by one of our third party credit card providers (PayPal).
HelpsForYou invites you to share your name and address with the association that created the project you donated to to encourage the creation of an environment of mutual gift and exchange. However, you may wish to remain anonymous and we respect your wishes. In this case, HelpsForYou is committed to fully guaranteeing your privacy.
If you have any other questions, please refer to our privacy policy (internal link)

All donations are processed with PayPal: they are highly secure payment systems. Since all transactions go through third parties, Helps For You does not store or keep credit card numbers. Furthermore, we will never release your personal information to external parties, unless specifically authorized to do so. All donations made through Helps For You are kept in a private, safe and secure environment through Paypal.
To ensure your security, we cannot access your password, however it is very easy to reset it. Click on the top right corner of our site, where you will find Access (link). At this point, enter your e-mail address and click on: Forgot your password? Our system will send you an e-mail with a link that will allow you to choose a new password for your account. Be careful, because the link in the e-mail is only valid for 24 hours, after which you will have to repeat the operation.