Fundraising for Rossella

Category: Health | Association: Amis dal Disu ODV

Amis dal Disu ODV

via Monte Santo 53
33050 Gonars

Association page

€ 3.000,00

€ 3.000,00

Progetto completato. Non è possibile accettare altre donazioni

Latest Donations

thanks to
Tab. Punto a Capo Latisana
for his contribution of € 28,00
thanks to
Alim. Belmarket Latisanotta
for his contribution of € 11,00
thanks to
Caffè Centrale Ronchis
for his contribution of € 32,00
thanks to
Happy Coffe S. Giorgio Nogaro
for his contribution of € 21,00
thanks to
Al Ritrovo Castello Porpetto
for his contribution of € 15,00
thanks to
Pizz. Corte Basaldella
for his contribution of € 16,00
thanks to
Pizz. Trombone Udine
for his contribution of € 20,00
thanks to
Pizz. Trombone Udine
for his contribution of € 18,00
thanks to
Bar Roma Pavia di Udine
for his contribution of € 32,00
thanks to
Edicola Zorutti Manzano
for his contribution of € 21,00